Glitter not Litter: Eco Stardust & Beyond Repair

Glitter Not Litter


 At the beginning of every year, we like to get our BRE heads together to create something beautiful with an important message and January 2019 was no different. The brief was simple, spread the message that traditional glitter can be very dangerous for the environment and offer an alternative in a visually jaw dropping way. With this in mind we got to work.
The project’s budget was £2k, and the venue was a garden in Kent. We had 1 week to pull everything together and 1 day filming.


This was very much an in house project, literally! The bell tent was sourced from our Creative Designer, the shoot space was our Director’s garden and our lead dancers were our very own commercial dancers, Delle Evans & Daniel Greenway. It certainly is helpful to have such a talented and resourceful team at your fingertips! We made contact with our fabulous friends at EcoStardust Biodegradable glitter and started to create a storyboard with the super talented Director, Ed Palmer. It always takes time to consider each shot, how we want to tell the story and how to convey that in a way that has impact. Ed and our Director, Jane Coulston, worked on the creative details for just under a week, and then just got the sparkle and bell tent out on a cold January morning and made some magic.

Shoot Day

Creating for film is all about capturing the magic in the moment and making sure that each shot is perfectly set up. Our two commercial dancers started the day fully covered in glitter, taking hours to capture the very first shot. We wanted the dancers to look like a mountain of glitter and emerge from the ground like nature, the glitter being the soil. We worked through a selection of shots that show the playful nature of glitter in movement with the choreography, lifts and turns and a sense of tranquility. The film then takes a turn for the worse with the dancers coughing and choking on a now bright red glitter. This was all filmed in a bell tent to give it that festival feel, we have our own shows at festivals and use a lot of glitter. We felt compelled to lead by example and spread the word – glitter is litter unless you switch to a biodegradable option. We were super happy with the result and the response.

Biodegradable glitter is absolutely the way forward!

Biodegradable glitter is absolutely the way forward!

"A fabulous new work from the awesome Beyond Repair Entertainment. Biodegradable glitter is absolutely the way forward! ⭐️⭐️⭐️"

Bryony Olive - Marketing Consultant


"Dancers, festival revelers and FB buddies from all around the world. Take a look at this beaut dance film from Beyond Repair Dance and spread the message if you wish. ? #GlitterNotLitter"

Luke Savage - Youtube Viewer
Love this!

Love this!

Jade, Scarlett Entertainment

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