Our Director Jane Coulston likes to read, in fact if she didn’t follow her love of movement and choreography as a young woman she would have continued her formal study of literature and perhaps creative writing too.
It was this very love of reading that brought her to this quote:
She was in a rehearsal project (as a dancer) for a project at the time and this quote made her think about how all of our ‘imprints’ are what develop us as artists, it’s the experiences that are entirely unique that we all bring to the table. Some beautiful, some devastating and but within all that light and shade is who we are and how we evolve. We are intrinsically wrapped up in our own complex journey in life and it makes an imprint on us each and every time.
At BRE we see the journey of life as part of what makes us performers, bringing our unique experiences to the table and giving our team the freedom to be authentically themselves.
When Jane called the company Beyond Repair she did not mean broken in some way, she meant that these imprints don’t need repairing they are who we are and they make us stronger, braver, brighter, braver and better than ever before!